What is Ultrasonic Cavitation?

Ultrasonic cavitation is a non-surgical process of reducing cellulite and subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat) from under the dermis layer of the skin. This process involves applying pressure on the fat cells through ultrasonic vibrations using rapid motions on the area being treated. The use of low-frequency ultrasounds to penetrate the skin causes the cells to break down. The fat cells can not withstand the pressure caused by these vibrations which makes them implode into a liquid form. This makes it easier to pass through the body

What are the benefits of ultrasonic Cavitation?

Ultrasonic cavitation helps reduce stubborn fat deposits that can be hard to eliminate by exercising alone. This procedure also works to not only emulsify your fat cells but also tighten and tones skin while smoothing out cellulite as well. Ultrasonic cavitation is fast and effective

Pre-treatment recommendations?

Please try not to drink any beverages that contain alcohol within 24 hours before your service. Alcohol dehydrates the body and for you to get the best results it is mandatory to drink water beforehand. The water helps with the fat emulsification process.

We also do not recommend eating heavy foods directly before your service.

Post-treatment recommendations?

In the days after your treatment, we advise you to drink as much as possible! Preferably ½ your body weight. For example, if you weigh 200lbs you should drink 100oz ( about 12 cups) of water each day for the next 72 hours.

Try not to eat heavy foods. Eating foods that help to clear your body of toxins is the best option.

If you see redness or experience tenderness in the areas that were serviced do not be alarmed. Seeing this in the first few hours after treatment is completely normal. Apply ice to the area for 15 minutes to help with any discomfort.

It is also recommended to wear a compression garment after being serviced. Although this is not necessary to see your results, it does improve your results.

Remember these are all suggestions to get the best possible results after your cavitation. You will still see changes to your body if you do not do all these things, but we encourage our clients to combine our services with a healthy diet, exercise, and daily water drinking.

Does ultrasonic cavitation hurt?

No! Cavitation and radio frequency treatments are completely painless! You may experience a warming sensation and ringing in your ear for the duration of the service and redness and tenderness for the few hours after treatment, but it is not painful!

Is ultrasonic cavitation safe?

Yes! Ultrasonic cavitation is an FDA-approved non-invasive procedure. We guarantee that you are in safe hands and are being serviced by certified professionals.

Is ultrasonic cavitation for everyone?

The short answer to this question would be, unfortunately, no. With all the great benefits cavitation offers, there are still necessary limitations in who we can and cannot service due to serious medical restrictions. Ultrasonic cavitation cannot be performed on individuals with heart disease, kidney failure, liver failure, and people who are at high risk for developing cancer. Cavitation is also not for those who are pregnant. There is a waiting period after childbirth which is a minimum of three months (at least six months after a C-section). We also recommend individuals with thyroid conditions and who are on medication take their medications after their service so they are not flushed out of the body during the treatment.

 Although cavitation is a non-invasive procedure it is still a procedure nonetheless so we treat it with the utmost caution and seriousness to ensure the safety of all our clients

Where do the fat cells go?

During the treatment, your body goes through a process which is called lymphatic drainage. Your body absorbs the fat and is passed through the liver where it is processed as waste. During this process, the fat cells are broken down but can grow again due to a high-calorie diet. This is why we recommend making the necessary lifestyle changes and participating in daily physical activity to ensure the fat cells do not reproduce.


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